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About us

We are a diverse team of young graduates. We like to simplify complicated things. We drink more coffee than all Scandinavian countries combined. Sleep is for the weak.

Adriano Alberti La Marmora

Trained as an anthropologist, employed as marketer and content editor. It is not clear what he actually does. Rumour has it he has a thing on managing whatever he bumps into. He has been around since the inception of Meta.

Alberto Martinico

Expert linguist and translator with a dusting of web design. No bug escapes his testing regimes. Alberto is a human jukebox and a periscope addict. He keeps Meta in tip top condition and will likely reply to any tweets in under four milliseconds.

Alejandro Samboy

Dedicated and insightful web designer and software engineer. He made Meta look sleek and polished. Spends hours sketching and drawing web pages templates, but is (not so) secretly training to become a mangaka. Formidable oxford comma enforcer.

Blair Fyffe

Software engineer by day, super software engineer by night. Legend tells that the algorithm behind Meta came to be in one of his dreams. Blair is always scribbling away on his whiteboard to make things work behind the scenes and he even stirs his coffee with a whiteboard marker.